- Number of Allopathic Doctors, Infectious Disease Prevention Officer, Nurse and Compounder in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Allopathic Doctors, Infectious Disease Prevention Officer, Nurse and Compounder in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Allopathic Doctors, Infectious Disease Prevention Officer, Nurse and Compounder in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh
- Number of Doctors and Pharmacist under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh (2013-2014)
- Number of Allopathic Doctors, Infectious Disease Prevention Officer, Nurse, and Compounder in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh (2012-2013)
- Percentage of Delivery Attended by Skilled Personnel in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh (2002-2004)