- Number of Development District, Panchayats, Panchayat Unions, Village Panchayats and Town Panchayats in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu
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- Number of Development District, Panchayat Unions, Village Panchayats and Town Panchayats in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu
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- Number of Panchayats, Panchayat Unions, Village Panchayats and Town Panchayats in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu (2014-2015)
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- Number of Panchayat Unions, Village Panchayats and Special Village Panchayats in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu (2008-2009)
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- Number of District Panchayats, Panchayat Unions, Village Panchayats and Town Panchayats in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu (2007-2008)
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- Number of Panchayat Unions, Village Panchayats and Special Village Panchayats in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu (2006-2007)
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