- Number of Teachers at Universities by Gender in Patiala District of Punjab
(As on 30.09.2022)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab
(As on 30.09.2019)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2018)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2017)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2016)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2014)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2013)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2012)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2011)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2010)
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2009) - Part II
- Number of Teachers at Institutions (Working Strength) by Type in Patiala District of Punjab (As on 30.09.2009) - Part I