- Number of Registered and Working Industrial Co-operative Societies by Social Category in Kozhikode District of Kerala (2018-2019)
- Number of District Co-operative Bank in Kozhikode District of Kerala
- Physical Progress and Financial Performance of Primary Cooperative Agriculture
and Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs) in Kozhikode District of Kerala
(As on 31.03.2019)
- Financial Performance of Scheduled Caste Co-operative Societies in Kozhikode District of Kerala
- Physical Progress and Financial Performance of Scheduled Tribe Co-operative Societies in Kozhikode District of Kerala
- Number of Co-operative Societies by Types in Kozhikode District of Kerala
(As on 31.03.2019)
- Physical Progress and Financial Performance of Wholesale Co-operative Consumer Stores in Kozhikode District of Kerala
- Physical Progress and Financial Performance of Primary Consumer Co-operative Stores in Kozhikode District of Kerala
- Physical Progress and Financial Performance of Co-operative College Stores in Kozhikode District of Kerala
- Physical Progress and Financial Performance of Co-operative School Stores in Kozhikode District of Kerala
- Physical Progress and Financial Performance of Primary Housing Co-operative Societies in Kozhikode District of Kerala
- Physical Progress and Financial Performance of Labour Contract Societies in Kozhikode District of Kerala