- Number of Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2023-2024)
- Number of Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2022-2023)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2023)
- Number of Patients Treated in Various Allopathic Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2023)
- Number of Patients Treated in Various Allopathic Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2022)
- Number of Healthcare Centres (Sub-Centres, Primary and Community Health Centres) at Rural Areas in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2022)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2022)
- Number of Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2021-2022)
- Number of Patients Treated in Various Allopathic Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2021)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2021)
- Number of Healthcare Centres (Sub-Centres, Primary and Community Health Centres) at Rural Areas in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2021)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2020)
- Number of Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2019-2020)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Number of Patients Treated in Various Allopathic Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2019)
- Number of Medical Institutions, Beds, Community Development Blocks and Gram Panchayats in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2019)
- Number of Medical Institutions in of Himachal Pradesh (2018-2019)
- Number of Patients Treated in Various Allopathic Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2018)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2018)
- Number of Medical Institutions, Beds, Community Development Blocks and Gram Panchayats in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2017)
- Number of Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2016-2017)
- Number of Patients Treated in Various Allopathic Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2016)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2017)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2016)
- Number of Medical Institutions, Beds, Community Development Blocks and Gram Panchayats in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 22.08.2016)
- Number of Patients Treated at Various Allopathic Medical Institutions in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2015)
- Number of Community Development Blocks, Gram Panchayats (GPs), Viilages, Medical Institutions and Their Capacity in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2015)
- Number of Medical Institutions (Backward/Contiguosus/Dispersed Backward Areas in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2015)
- Number of Hospitals, Dispensaries, Community Health Centre, Primary Health Centre and Beds Available in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2014-2015)
- Town-wise Number of Government Health Institution by Type in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2014-2015)
- Town-wise Number of Private Institutions, Doctors and Beds Available in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2014-2015)
- Number of Medical Institutions, Beds, Community Development Blocks and Gram Panchayats in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2015)
- Number of Medical and Public Health Institutions in Rural and Urban Areas in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2015)
- Number of Dental, X-Ray, Eye/ENT Clinics and M/CW Centres at Rural and Urban Areas in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2015)
- Number of Allopathic Medical Institutions and Beds Available in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2014-2015)
- Town-wise Number of Beds in Various Government Health Institution in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (2014-2015)
- Number of Beds Available in Rural and Urban Break-Up and Type of Management in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2015)
- Number of Beds per Thousand Population in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.03.2015)
- Number of Beds Sanctioned and In-Position (General Hospitals/Community/Primary Health Centres) at Rural and Urban Areas in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31.3.2015)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Una District of Himachal Pradesh (As on 31st March, 2015)