- Number of Talukas, Towns, Villages, Municipalities and Gram Panchayat in Ahmedabad District Name
(As on 30.06.2023)

- Number of Talukas, Towns, Villages, Municipalities and Gram Panchayat in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat

- Number of Talukas, Towns, Villages, Municipalities and Gram Panchayat in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat

- Number of Talukas, Towns, Villages, Municipalities and Gram Panchayat in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat

- Number of Talukas and Gram Panchayats in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat (As on 04.05.2019)

- Number of Talukas, Gram Panchayats, Municipal Corporation and Municipalities in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat (2016-2017)

- Number of Sub-Districts in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat (As per 2011 Census)

- Number of Sub-Districts in Ahmedabad District of Gujarat (2001 Census)